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This guide will show you how to connect (WiFi) devices in the OpenDevice server and send data to save in storage and further visualization in dashboards, all in real time. 

We will use the DHT22 sensor connected to the WiFi ESP8266 module to collect temperature and humidity, and send the server using the MQTT protocol.

Note, if you do not have this sensor in hand, you can continue this tutorial by simply skipping or commenting on the parts where it is used.



NodeMCU DEVKIT 1.0.jpg



The most basic DHT humidity and temperature sensor comes in two variants with different levels of accuracy.

Humidity range20%-80%RH (±5%RH)0%-100%RH (±2%RH)
Temperature range0-50°C (±2°C)-40-80°C (±0.5°C)
Measurement time1s per sample2s per sample


To program the NodeMCU, we are going to use Arduino's IDE. It's the easiest way to get up and running with the DHT22.

First, you'll have to set up your machine: Device Setup Instructions. These instructions take you through installing the IDE, ESP8266 and the proper libraries.

In addition to this, you'll have to install DHT sensor library to read the sensor, we are going to use Adafruit's DHT22 library.

Code / Firmware

The OpenDevice for Arduino software greatly simplifies application development, managing devices and communicating with the server in a completely transparent way, so you can really focus on your project.

The library uses a set of build techniques to customize the firmware. According to the platform used and the imported libraries, OpenDevice enables certain features.

Basically when importing the libraries below, we are activating the WiFi communication and the MQTT protocol.

#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>  // Enable ESP8266 / WiFi
#include <PubSubClient.h> // enable MQTT
#include <ArduinoOTA.h>   // Remote Updates

// Sensor Libraries
#include <Adafruit_Sensor.h>
#include <DHT.h>
#include <DHT_U.h>

#include <OpenDevice.h>  // Must be included after

Next we need to configure the device name (you choose) and the api key (see this guide).

app code:

#define DHTPIN            D2         // Pin which is connected to the DHT sensor.

// Available types:  DHT11, DHT22, DHT21
DHT_Unified dht(DHTPIN, DHT11);

DHT_Unified::Temperature sTemp = dht.temperature();
DHT_Unified::Humidity sHumidity = dht.humidity();

void setup() {
  ODev.server("----SERVER IP-----");

  dht.begin(); // Initialize device.
  ODev.addSensor("HT01_Temperature", new AdafruitSensor(sTemp))
    ->setInterval(1 * (1000)); // 1sec
  ODev.addSensor("HT01_Humidity", new AdafruitSensor(sHumidity))
    ->setInterval(1 * (1000)); // 1sec

  WiFi.begin("---- WIFI----", ---- PASS----");


void loop() {

Next, upload code to the board and open up your serial monitor, you should see the data:

20:08:06.529 -> DB:WiFi :: Conneted
20:08:07.523 -> DB:SoftAP :: OK
20:08:07.523 -> DB:TCPServer :: OK
20:08:07.523 -> Mode: STA+AP
20:08:07.523 -> Auto connect: 1
20:08:07.523 -> SSID (10): xxxxxxxxxxx
20:08:07.523 -> Passphrase (10): xxxxxxxxxx
20:08:07.523 -> DB:IP STA: 
20:08:07.523 ->
20:08:07.523 -> DB:IP softAP: 
20:08:07.523 ->
20:08:07.523 -> DB:MQTT :: BEGIN
20:08:27.640 -> DB:MQTT :: connecting... 
20:08:27.673 -> DB:MQTT :: [connected]

Sending data to the cloud

As I mentioned before, you do not have to do much, just make sure you are looking at the console, if the WiFi connection and the server was successfully performed.

The OpenDevice server already has a mqtt broker and an embedded database, this makes it much easier =].

Start the OpenDevice (guide), access (http://localhost:8181), and verify that your devices have been registered correctly.



Create custom visualizations using Dashboards

You can create multiple dashboards in OpenDevice that let you analyze device data in both real-time and historical data. You can also apply functions to the data such as average and standard deviation.

First create the dashboard


Then add Widgets

Vamos criar o  gráfico de linha para exibir as informações da temparatura nas útimas 4 horas


You have the freedom to position and enlarge the graph as you wish

Vamos agora adicionar uma gauge que mostre o valor da temperatura em tempo real:



At this point, you are collecting and visualizing data. But, what about reacting to it? The next step is to build a Rule(/wiki/spaces/DOC/pages/99352732) in Losant to send yourself a text message whenever the humidity gets too high. 

See examples:

Recommended Resources:

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